2020: The Year of Clear Vision

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2020 IS the year of clear vision. Just like 20/20 eyesight, we can hold this upcoming year as one where we get even clearer about the possibilities we see for ourselves and our lives.

December is the perfect month for looking back to the past year, acknowledge and record our growth, as well as the breakthroughs and challenges we have overcome.

It's also the perfect month to set up for the emergence of a new cycle — a new year — and envision it into existence.

Vision is a discovery process. What wants to be? What have we been feeling is inspiring or motivating? What is the story that wants to be told?

Vision is what can unfold when we get out of our own way, let go of what the ego wants, and don’t project our past onto the future.
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It can be challenging to discern the vision most aligned with the truth by ourselves. We can connect with our desires and our intuition, but if we're operating in isolation, we may not be able to see the potential. We may also be just formulating a fantasy. The difference between vision and fantasy can be a fine line.

Our intentions may be influenced by our limiting beliefs, our conditioning environment, or our ego, and this will delay the process of them becoming realized.

Having a container to be able to share our vision, and explore our intuition and desires can be very helpful.

Right now is the time to do this because every year is the beginning of a new cycle. New cycles bring fresh energy, inspiration, and a reset.

Whatever will manifest next year could be a culmination of the seeds of intention you plant now.

Are you willing to invest the time, which is usually more available at the end of the year?

To use the cycle of winter, the time of hibernation, to invest in the creative part of manifesting?

If our intentions are aligned with our bigger picture in life, they're more likely to come true. Think of an eagle. The eagle is a bird that operates from a place of clear vision, clear sight, clear seeing. It can have a singular focus from far above the ground and hone in on its prey or what it wants.

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We can use the animal medicine of the eagle during this time to hone in on what is most important to us and what it is we truly want to experience.

On the other hand, the bat operates in a very different way. It flies in the dark, using sonar. Sonar is very effective but doesn’t have a whole lot of vision or sight, because it's operating in the dark. If we try to use bat medicine for vision, things could take much longer.

Bat medicine embraces the idea of symbolic death, so if your vision isn't clear yet, some things may need to die, and that is where bat medicine may be appropriate. Death can be the death of illusion, fantasy, or what isn't real, and we can call on bat medicine to ensure that the vision we're focusing on is what's most aligned. Otherwise, our desires can become like the story of Aladdin and his lamp.

The more we can harmonize with the natural cycles, the more we can harness those cycles to move things in our life.

We can find the journey more enjoyable and meaningful as we align with the grace of Nature.

We are here for you if you want to gain more support, reflection, and accountability with the vision that you are creating for 2020.

Joetta Johnson