6 Micro Strategies to Boost Savings

It's been a day filled with money revelations!

This tends to happen regularly for me, thanks to the array of money mentors and coaches I surround myself with.

There is nothing better than gaining fresh insights and sharing them with my clients, and with all of you.

I firmly believe in spreading the wealth of wisdom — everything I receive, I give away.

So, let's dive into 6 micro strategies that can elevate your savings game.


1. The Power of Forgiveness

It may come as a surprise, but forgiveness is a potent psychological tool for financial success.

Recently, I came across a profound quote from Lily Tomlin through one of my money mentors:

"Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past."

This resonated deeply with me, especially as I reflected on a recent cryptocurrency challenge I faced.

Upon learning that one of the exchanges holding my cryptocurrency was filing for bankruptcy, I withdrew my funds and began the process of transferring them to a different platform.

However, during this transition period, the value of the cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, experienced a significant surge.

It was a shock to realize that this happened precisely when I withdrew my investment.

I struggled to forgive myself for the timing of my decision. Thankfully, one of my money mentors shared this quote with me, and it offered a renewed perspective.

Reflecting on our past mistakes with money and embracing them with forgiveness can be instrumental in our growth.

We can trust that all of our experiences have the power to be alchemized into wisdom and wealth.

As we forgive ourselves, we liberate ourselves to show up again and again for the next opportunity without encumbrances.


2. Healing Debt with Forgiveness

Similarly, our level of debt often mirrors our capacity for self-forgiveness.

At a subconscious level, debt can be a willingness to put the burden on our future self to deal with debt, without knowing the full implications of how it will affect us.

Forgiveness becomes a powerful tool in releasing ourselves from this cycle of self-imposed financial stress.

When working with clients, I often provide a list of techniques, but one that stands out is the Ho'oponopono practice, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

If you know this is calling to you, here is a video taking you through the practice. I encourage you to do it consistently for 21 days and use it on yourself to resolve any burdens of guilt, shame, and fear with money.

3. Seek Money Mentors

Surround yourself with financial wisdom.

A trusted money mentor can serve as a supportive partner in accelerating your financial journey.

4. Round-Up Savings Accounts

Utilizing round-up savings accounts, such as Qapital or Oportun, can be a game-changer in your savings journey.

Here's how it works: when you make a purchase, say for $10.25, these accounts automatically round up the transaction to the nearest dollar, in this case, $11, and transfer the difference into your savings account.

These micro-saving strategies may seem small at first glance, but their cumulative effect can be substantial, especially since they're based on your everyday spending habits.

And you have the flexibility to set savings goals and even maintain multiple accounts tailored to different objectives.

The impact on your savings growth is incredible, which I’ve seen over and over with my clients.

In addition, here are some of the high-yield savings accounts I recommend:

5. Practice Micro-Savings

Start small and gradually build your savings muscle.

Begin with the smallest amount possible, even if it's just $5 a week. Then, gradually increase it, for instance, to $10 per week the following week or month.

This approach can yield tremendous progress, provided you reassess your strategy regularly, whether on a monthly or quarterly basis.

By staying on track and making adjustments as needed, you'll see steady growth in your savings over time.


6. Self-Hypnosis to Grow Your Savings

And of course, growing your savings isn't only about the practicals of money management.

It also includes diving into your beliefs, behaviors, and the subconscious blocks that hinder your financial growth.

That's where self-hypnosis steps in as a game-changer.

It’s an incredibly powerful practice to rewire your subconscious beliefs about savings, and install a new money architecture that fosters exponential, lasting wealth.

Add one or multiple of these micro strategies to your financial toolkit, and get ready to supercharge your savings!

Trust me, you'll be amazed at how effective they are.

And remember, every small step adds up on your journey of building savings and financial mastery.

If you’re ready to get to the root of limiting money beliefs so you can grow your savings and financial well-being, you can still receive the replay for my masterclass, Belief Revolution.

Immerse yourself in a live financial hypnosis practice, and witness firsthand how old, limiting money beliefs are dismantled and upgraded to a new inner money architecture.

It's time to rewrite your financial narrative and unlock your true financial potential.

Register now and receive the replay instantly.

Joetta Johnson