Announcing: Belief Revolution, a Brand New Monthly Group Immersion

I have a very exciting announcement to share with you today!

Priestess of Finance is launching a brand new monthly group immersion called:

Belief Revolution: Upgrading the Money Mind

Belief Revolution is an experiential monthly masterclass to transform your money psychology and revolutionize your financial well-being.

Reducing your financial stress, helping you spend less, save more, and earn abundantly.

And a super affordable way to work with me, and stay on the cutting edge of transforming money beliefs!

And we begin next month, on Wednesday, March 20th with our first masterclass: Revolutionize Your Money Behaviors.

With the Spring Equinox happening the day before, we will still be in the window of the fertile and rich first days of Spring.

It's the perfect time to set financial intentions that will yield new money outcomes in your life.

As you may know, the Equinox is associated with fertility, abundance, resurrection, radical transformation, and rejuvenation. This is our opportunity to claim and shape a new season in our lives with money.

Just as nature goes through its yearly rebirth and expansion, Equinox is an auspicious window for us to embrace new beginnings and proactively move into our next level with money.

You can join us for a single monthly masterclass, and if you just know you're ready to skyrocket your financial life this year, join the Belief Revolution Membership!


Reprogram Your Money Psychology for Success

Have you had the feeling of being on a hamster wheel with money?

Does it feel like there's not quite enough for everything you want?

Is money always up and down?

Does it seem to slip through your fingertips like sand?

Or perhaps it feels like you're just going through the motions, with not much to be excited about with money or your vision for the future?

Our challenging recurring patterns with money can feel like a hamster wheel.

If you've been with me for a while, you've probably heard me say that 95% of your financial decisions come from your subconscious mind. It continues to blow me away that this % is so high!

The subconscious mind holds all of your subjective attitudes that it believes are true.

Not based on objective truth, but on what it decided to believe — based on what your family believed, traumas you may have experienced, or what the world around you has conveyed.

All the tools and practical information in the world won’t help your financial life if you don’t befriend and utilize the power of your subconscious money terrain.

What I can tell you from my 17+ years as a Financial Coach and working with hundreds of clients all over the world is that addressing your money psychology is the quickest way to experience a new outcome in your financial life.

In Belief Revolution, every month, you’ll experience techniques and live financial hypnosis designed to disrupt existing beliefs, patterns, and behaviors and replace them with new ones. Ones that align with financial growth, improve your financial management and help you keep more of what you earn.

You’ll learn how to encode your unconscious mind with a new money architecture through hypnosis, shadow work, my latest money tools, and an upgraded perspective that yields new outcomes for your life. And have fun in the process!


Revolutionizing Your Money Behaviors

We begin our journey by revolutionizing your money behaviors.

This is the disruption of any stuck money pattern, behavior, or belief, so you can access what is beyond the hamster wheel you feel you’re in with money.

Hamster wheels are things like living from paycheck to paycheck, draining the savings accounts, drudgery around managing money, owing tax debt, undercharging, or any other money pattern you keep getting stuck inside of, not being able to see your way out.

This is where the energy of revolution can be really productive, applying it to our patterns, determined to overturn the current status quo and getting to a new state of being and new outcomes.

Join Us & Revolutionize Your Financial Well-Being

Register for our March masterclass, and receive:

  • a transformational teaching on money based on my 17 years of experience, tried and tested with hundreds of clients and entrepreneurs all over the world

  • my latest tools and transformational techniques for lasting financial success

  • a live financial hypnosis to upgrade your subconscious money terrain

  • a recording of the hypnosis track for you to listen to again and again, and enjoy exponential benefits

  • a replay of the masterclass for you to keep

And if you're ready for profound transformation, join the Belief Revolution Membership for a month-by-month journey of financial liberation and upleveling in 2024.

Imagine what kind of financial outcomes you would get if you committed to engaging in these practices for an entire year?

I look forward to seeing you soon for our very first installment of Belief Revolution!

Joetta Johnson