Gain Wealth Without Earning More

Financial Mentor

Recently, while I was on an epic Mount Shasta solo hike, I had a lightbulb moment about the nature of wealth.

My Vedic meditation mentor recently dropped a profound question into a Japa meditation course I was taking (which I highly recommend!). Her question spurred a deep contemplation on how to increase wealth without actually having to earn more money.

You may have heard about Mount Shasta and the many mystical qualities of this particular area. It’s said to be an active volcano and therefore a potent place, so it’s no surprise that while doing some Japa mantra on this hike, I started having lightbulb moments. I was so excited to share them with you!

The question my meditation mentor Yashoda Devima essentially asked is: “How much wealth can be contained in each moment?” and “Are we really maximizing the experience of wealth in our life?”

We can spend so much time focused on questions such as:

How much do I make? How much can I make? How much money is in the bank? Will I have enough to retire? Do I have enough to pay the bills?

But are these questions going to get us to a place of life-altering experiences that we remember forever? Probably not!

Having a sufficient amount of money in the bank to provide for our needs is important, but beyond that, do we become just a rat in the race for more?

What is it that makes us rich right now?

Contemplating our personal answer to this question can be a direct way of actually experiencing wealth.

Sure, our money and assets are a component of wealth.

Our income generation, savings, and net worth contribute to the tangible side of the wealth equation — and I’m all about having them!

But just as important, if not more, is the consciousness we choose to be in, which comprises the intangible side of the wealth equation.

As Neville Goddard says, “All success comes from consciousness.”

Financial Mentor

Without the intangible side of the equation, the consciousness of wealth, we won’t ever feel truly wealthy.

It doesn’t really matter how many resources we have in tangible form if we’re not experiencing aliveness, adventure, love, purpose, and peace of mind.

The current social and political climate can make it easy to go into a state of fear and anxiousness, which can happen when we unconsciously let our minds focus on that, instead of bringing it back to what’s amazing in our lives.

What if we could focus every day on: How can I make this day the most incredible day ever?

I’ll admit — I’ve gotten really good at this. Blowing up each moment to be as abundant as possible. It starts with focusing on what we have and what is available to us each day, and exploring how we can make every experience as amazing and rich as we possibly can. I can turn a walk to the mailbox into a grand adventure!

Here are three keys that I use in my own life to align myself with the nature of wealth.

1. Community

I surround myself with community and people that are committed to developing consciousness, and are actively working on transforming their fears and patterns. This is huge, because it means that these are the conversations I’m surrounded by in my daily life — conversations on personal growth and transformation that nourish me, inspire me, keep me accountable, and help me stay aligned with what’s most important to me.

2. Nature

I spend a lot of time in nature. Nature really helps me attune to the consciousness of abundance, the abundance of the planet — the beauty, the richness, the fresh air and blue sky, the color of the Fall leaves. Going on hikes like my trek up Mount Shasta helps me connect with powerful places in nature, where I can fully experience the depths of richness that are here in every moment.

Hiking, being in nature, meditation, sunlight, cold water plunges, and getting off technology tend to be my go-to’s to access the feelings of wealth.

3. Mental training

To train our minds and refine our mindset means developing our capacity to shift our mind out of a place of fear, doubt, lack, and struggle, then directly move it over to possibility, hopefulness, peacefulness, and gratitude. This is how we can change our direct experience right now.

Sometimes, when I’m not able to make the shift just through my intention or will, I say a prayer or use a mantra.

Financial Mentor

Prayers help me feel connected to the cosmos, and many times, especially when I’m struggling with fear or doubt, I ask for help in changing my perspective. Or I ask for fear to be removed.

Recently, I’ve been working with the power of mantras. I’ve created my own mantras — things I want to tell myself when I’m stuck in those difficult places in my mind.

For example, one of my mantras has been: “Every day and in every way, things are improving. I know that the universe has my back, and is helping me improve my life every single day.”

I also use mantras from certain spiritual traditions, like the Ganesh mantra, which is a Hindu mantra. Ganesh is the remover of obstacles. I also work with Lakshmi, who is the goddess or consciousness of abundance.

By saying mantras and training our attention, we can shift the mind from focusing on what’s going on externally in the world, and the fear it triggers in us, to our own power and agency, and our capacity to be in a harmonious partnership with the universe.

I often like to practice mantras 108 times, and I notice a real difference in how I feel.

It’s one of the most potent practices to access the wealth of the moment.

I’m then able to move through my day with grace and purpose, and with a lot more clarity and intuition as to what I need to do.

Prayers and mantras are a supercharged way of aligning with what the cosmos has in mind for me.

So, how rich are your moments?

Are you only focused on the measurement of how much money you have, and if so, how does that make you feel?

If you find yourself stuck, try using one of the keys above to create a mental shift.

When we’re constantly in states of mind of lack, scarcity, or fear — our lives begin to reflect this.

Our life is a reflection of our consciousness, and where our mind is really living.

The more we contribute to shifting our consciousness, the more we see the expression of that in our physical lives. I work with many high net worth individuals and even with an abundance of money, without the richness of the moment, it’s all irrelevant.

Joetta Johnson