Overcome the Bear Market Blues

So you might be wondering... how do I stay financially optimistic in a Bear Market?

Many of my clients ask me what I think about the state of the financial world.

And my perspective may surprise you.

Because, as you know, we won't stay within the parameters of mainstream economics, even if they have their place.

I'm much more interested in the psychology of money and the savvy management of it — because that's the intersection that creates real financial change on an individual level.

It's where the rubber meets the road.

And it's where we FEEL the tangible change with money in our life to fund our dreams, support our friends and family, and create a better world.

There is financial wisdom (and resiliency) to be claimed in a Bear Market, and this is what I want to talk about with you today.

So let's dive in, shall we?

Let's start with the basics:

The financial world is always in a state of fluctuation. It undergoes constant cycles of change.

It doesn't mean that we're victims. It's simply important to recognize that the larger financial world is always in flux.

This is helpful — because it means we can put intentions and actions in place, and understand where we have power, and where we don't.

Managing our feelings of powerlessness around money is crucial to having a financial life that FEELS amazing, not just on paper.

Right now, we're in a Bear Market.


This means that there’s been a 20% drop in the market from, where we had a stabilized point previously.

This 20% decline is what confirms that we're in a Bear Market.

And do you know why it's called a Bear Market?

The bear is the symbol because its claws point down, representing the decline of the stock market.

And in a Bull Market, the bull's horns point up and mirror the stock market rising.

From a priestess's perspective, being in a Bear Market is the perfect time to learn more about money from the wisdom of bears.

So what are the qualities of the bear that can help us?

Well, as we know, bears hibernate.

During a period of hibernation, everything shifts. And the bear actively prepares by stocking up on nutrition and getting ready for the winter.

Hibernation is a time of preparation and conservation of resources. And ultimately, it's a time of regeneration.

Let's translate this into money wisdom.

Money, just like any other resource, goes through natural cycles of ups and downs.

Just like the seasons, money cyclically enters a period of winter. This is true both in personal finance and in world economics.

So when it comes to the realm of investments, have we been preparing for hibernation and the winter of money?

Do we have healthy savings, a prudent reserve? Do we naturally contract our spending when in a down market?

Savings are key to providing us with an experience of financial security and inner peace — if we're in right relationship with them.

This means that we don't use our savings as our single source of security, but rather, they help us to be more flexible and fluid with life.

Are we cultivating financial faith and resiliency?

Money mastery requires that we strengthen our financial faith – whether it's faith in a higher power, in the universe, in our own resourcefulness, or in the economic system to recover.

And are we willing to open ourselves to the learning opportunities available during this time?

If you want to learn more about this, read my article, Who Thrives During a Recession?, to find out how some entrepreneurs not only recover but actually flourish and grow during recessions.

And of course, hibernation is the perfect time to pause and re-assess.

In that sense, Bear Wisdom can teach us a lot about introspection, slowing down, and taking a pause to listen to what our gut is telling us. To access the voice of silent knowledge within us.

During this time of hibernation, we get to reassess our investment strategy and our spending strategy.


It's a more conservative time with money. Which doesn't mean we need to live in deprivation, but simply that it's appropriate to spend less when we're in the winter cycle of money.

And it's probably not the best time to take a lot of risk with our spending.

Unless, after some reassessing, we realize that we need to shift our spending to a different area than before, because it's what's in alignment with our needs.

If you're wondering where to begin with reassessing your finances, start with my article, 4 Areas to Focus On During the Financial Unknown.

I know that the doom and gloom of the media can weigh us down and make us fearful of looking at investment balances. It can make us feel like we just want to put our head in the sand.

But how can that possibly bring clear-headed, financially powerful decisions that change the course of our financial lives?

To rise above the fear messaging, we need to go from a bug's eye to bird's eye view.

We need to draw on a larger financial vision for our life.

Having a short-term financial vision (1 year or less) and a long-term financial vision are essential to understanding your long game.

Know your spending plan in and out, and keep focused on your long game.

Consistency over time is how financial freedom really comes about.

Are you ready?

If so, you're in luck! Priestess of Finance is now offering Eureka Sessions. These are power-packed sessions, designed for those who are not yet ready to take the Financial Coaching deep dive, but know they need to start mapping out their financial vision with a strategy to get there.

That's your "Eureka" moment — when you can see a clear path from where you are to where you want to be!

Be on the lookout for our next newsletter, all about Eureka Sessions — our newest offering.

Joetta Johnson