Tigers, Divination, and Money

What trends are you noticing in your year so far?

We're now in the second month of 2022, and as of February 4th, we've entered the Year of the Water Tiger.

The Year of the Water Tiger is the beginning of the astrological new year in China.

Astrology is one of my favorite divination tools. Divination tools have been essential to priestesses since ancient times — to help them see through the dark and unknown, and to access a higher perspective about life.

And perspective is everything when it comes to money and prosperity.

Have you known someone who seems to have all the money they could ever need, but not a lot of joy, peace, or satisfaction with all that money?

That's where perspective comes in. One way I leverage divination tools is to access a fun, enjoyable, magical perspective that I can apply to any challenge — including challenges with money.

The Year of the Water Tiger is all about the power of the tiger: raw power, strength, courage, and ambition.

Add water to that, and you add the ability to maneuver your way around any obstacle while still maintaining your authenticity.

In my practice with divination tools, I therefore apply those concepts and intentions to my current reality.

For example, I'm developing a new group course to launch in a couple of months, and because I'm always so darn full with clients, it's been super challenging to launch anything new!

But, I can apply the themes of the Water Tiger to help me stay connected to ambition and strength, and to maneuver my way around any obstacles that arise.

Now, let's dive into how you can apply the power of the Water Tiger to your life and finances.

The last two years have been monumental for all of us, and have brought on significant rites of passage.

This cycle has helped us clear out a lot of what was no longer aligned in our lives. Much has fallen away — some of it intentional, some of it unintentional and unexpected.

Many of us have experienced the completion of relationships, and the release of old ways of thinking and old structures that no longer serve our ability to contribute to our planet and the state she is in.

It's been a profound time of letting go, adjusting, and clarifying our vision along with our commitment as to where we want to go with our lives and what we want life to look like on our planet.

We're beginning to get more connected to the "we" as opposed to the individual "I."

The year of the Water Tiger can be a welcome force to help us apply ourselves to the challenges that lie ahead of us as a humanity.

To leverage the Water Tiger, identify where things feel the most challenging with money and finances.

Is it having more debt than feels comfortable? Or generating enough income through your budding business to cover all your expenses? Or how about staying clear and on top of all your estimated quarterly tax payments?

Whatever you uncover in response to this question, how can you apply the themes of the Water Tiger to one of these challenges?

We would love to know how you feel about divination tools, and if you feel an interest in learning more.

We LOVE your feedback, and we have killer tools — divination, mindset, and performance-based, to support your most robust journey to financial freedom.

Over my many years of coaching, I've acquired some really powerful tools that have proven to be immensely beneficial and impactful.

There are three types of tools that I use personally and teach my clients:

  1. 🔮 Spiritual tools, like divination tools, mantras, prayers, intentions, and practices that help to increase the frequencies that we're holding in our lives. These frequencies are directly connected to how much prosperity, wealth, and abundance we can hold and generate.

  2. 🧠 Psychological and therapeutic tools, which help us to meet our inner barriers and shadows, and to transform the inner terrain of our subconscious so that we can actually move us in the direction we want to go.

  3. 📊 Performance-based and mindset tools, which are key in cultivating the highest perspective in relation to our circumstances, proactively moving towards our goals, and staying optimistic about our lives and finances, even when life happens and we need to make adjustments.

We at Priestess of Finance want to share more of these tools with you this year, so that you can enhance your journey to building greater wealth and prosperity in your life.

These are the very tools my clients and I have been practicing for years, and which have yielded incredible results with life and money.

In the blog articles ahead, we will be sharing specific tools you can draw on in your financial and life journey.

We look forward to sharing these transformational tools with you.

And we also look forward to sharing more about an upcoming group program that will be integrating these tools along with building greater financial resiliency, as we recognize that financial resiliency in our changing world will be essential for the times to come.

PS: Want to be the first to know about the upcoming group program? Write us and let us know so we can be sure to add you to the waitlist!

Joetta Johnson