Are You Going Through a Rite of Passage?

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As a High Priestess who studies the art of astrology to understand the unfoldings of life, I’ve come to see what a profound and practical tool it really is.

Astrology is a map through which we can understand our past, present, and future.

It can help us understand more of who we are, our financial potential, and precisely where we need to focus our actions for the best outcomes possible.

I use astrology in my Financial Coaching sessions to help entrepreneurs and couples get a sense of why circumstances are happening in their lives, how to successfully navigate them, and how to align with their best road toward financial success.

Right now, the astrological cycles we’re in are stirring up a great deal of unprecedented change, both individually and collectively.

This cycle of pressure-cooker growth is showing up differently for each of us, but there is a common theme I’m seeing with clients: a time of crossroads and a sense of the old falling away.

Things like relationships ending, work arrangements ending, income sources ending, living in a particular place ending, or internal patterns ending (hooray!).

Are you noticing any of these themes in your own world?

If so... you’ve entered the unknown, which is an exciting place to be!


The thing is, as a species, we like to feel safe, secure, and stable. We prefer the comfort that comes with the known.

And if you’re not feeling these changes in your life, that’s okay too. We don’t all need to be headed into the unknown at the same time.

Why do I bring this up in the context of Financial Coaching?

Because relating to the future of money always has an unknown quality to it, like investing, for example, or just being an entrepreneur.

These are opportunities to make friends with the unknown.

Because when you’re friends with the unknown, you innovate, you invent, you create, and you make necessary changes to improve your life circumstances.

The known is where we can stagnate, fall into less-than-useful patterns, and stay in situations far past their expiration date.

We can get stuck in situations that don’t serve us for YEARS!

That could be in a job, in a relationship, in a business partnership, with an employee, or even a client.


What can we do when faced with the unknown?

We can gather our inner resources, and center ourselves in our capability to handle whatever circumstances we're going through.

While training in the “Clear Beliefs” methodology, my mentor took me through a short exercise I want to offer you.

Take 5 minutes to try this simple exercise and gain some insight on how you can best move through your rite of passage.

Clear Belief Exercise

Part 1:

Begin by identifying the current circumstances that feel particularly challenging in your life.

Then, try on the belief: “I can’t handle this,” as you think about the situation.

How does it make you feel? What kind of thoughts does it provoke?

Next, think about the situation again, and try on the belief: “I can definitely handle this.”

Notice what happens in your body and in your mind. Is there a shift? How do you feel now?

Major difference, right?

Part 2:

Think about the circumstances again, and try on the belief “I’m alone and have to figure this out all by myself.”

How does this make you feel? Notice your thoughts and feelings.

Now shift to trying on the belief “I’m supported by a Higher Power and I can be shown the way through this.”

What happens within you when you try this on?

We may not be able to change the need to go into the vast unknown, but we can cultivate the beliefs we enter the unknown with.

Be on the lookout for more about the “Clear Beliefs” immersive process I’m beginning to bring more and more into my Financial Coaching sessions.

It has a very high rate of success in changing limiting or self-defeating beliefs that can keep us hanging out far too long in our sabotaging money habits and patterns.

When we release the outdated ideas that drive our actions and behaviors, we’re free to create greater wealth and peace of mind instead!

Joetta Johnson