Are You the CEO or the CFO in Your Relationship?

Are you rocking financial partnership with your lover?

If you aren’t (yet!), you’re not the only one.

Sex and money can be the toughest topics for couples to dive deep into without historical trigger points coming up.

These rich topics can bring up shame, obligation, guilt, fear, anger, sadness, or resentments, just to name a few of the tumultuous feelings we all carry in those arenas.

Yet, what if discussing money and forging a common financial vision with your partner could create deeper levels of connection and intimacy when done in an artful way?

And here is one very powerful way to begin: start scheduling regular money dates with your partner.

Having regular money dates that clarify what your joint financial vision is, addressing the obstacles to getting there, and defining clear, committed action steps can ignite new levels of passion and intimacy in your relationship.

Once you get on the same page and consciously choose to partner up in your financial life, you can join forces to realize your dreams and ultimate financial vision, drawing on each other’s gifts and talents.


Are You the CEO or the CFO?

When I work with couples, I ask them to identify which one is the CEO, and which one is the CFO.

The CEO is the vision-keeper of the partnership.

The chief executive officer of the financial partnership is the one who naturally holds the vision, and can upkeep the connection to shared financial goals, intentions, hope, and inspiration as the process unfolds.

The CEO easily understands and perceives the larger picture.

They get a bird’s eye financial view of where they know the couple can go with money and success over the course of their life.

The other part of the equation in any financial partnership is the CFO.

Much like the chief financial officer in the business world, the CFO is skilled with managing details.

The CFO can be on top of overseeing tracking systems, surveying how the couple is doing against their goals, and giving regular financial reports to the CEO, so the CEO knows exactly what’s going on with the finances.

The CFO keeps a pulse on the couple’s finances in a detailed and practical way.


Keeping Your Financial Partnership Soulful & Sexy

If you want to strengthen your financial partnership, and keep it sustained, soulful, and sexy, I suggest you implement regular financial meetings filled with intention, fun, and connection.

Start with giving your financial meetings a meaningful name.

Some examples are:

✨ Prosperity Collaboration

✨ Wealth Generation

✨ Team Finance

✨ Going For The Vision

Once you’ve got it, it’s time to get down to business!

So what's next?

Here are my guidelines for financial meetings that are guaranteed to yield a partnership that’s turned on, powerful, and successful.

I wish you and your partner an incredible, soulful, and sexy adventure with money!

With this structure in place and a genuine level of intention and commitment to your financial meetings, I’m confident you and your partner will realize the financial vision of your dreams.

And remember — this is sacred time conducted in a professional way, since your resource of time is a non-replenishable resource.

So make it count towards something amazing!

Joetta Johnson