Dial in ONE Thing to Increase Your Income

There’s something I’ve been noticing more and more with clients and entrepreneurs – especially solopreneurs – and I want to share it with you, because it’s a real game-changer when it comes to growing your earning power.

Getting distracted by trying to build multiple products, offerings, and revenue streams at the same time waters down the flow of income.

That is, at least until we've fully dialed in our bread and butter income.

Bread and butter income is what pays the bills, even if you're gluten and dairy-free!

It's what communicates to the world, "This service or product I'm offering is really dialed in. It works. It comes from years of trial and error, and it exudes mastery."

This strategy is called “Optimize Before Maximize.”

As you’ve probably noticed, we live in a world of massive possibilities.

Entrepreneurs are naturally creative people. And in a world brimming with opportunities, it can be easy to generate one amazing idea after another!

“Should I write a book this year?”

“What if I start a podcast?”

“Let’s turn this framework into an online course.”

“Maybe I should become a coach.”

Sound familiar?

While new projects are exciting and can seem promising income-wise… here’s the issue: we start to diversify our attention and focus.

And this diversification dilutes the way we spend our resources — that is, our time, our energy, and even our money.

When it comes to increasing income, what I consistently recommend is to prioritize dialing in and optimizing one service or offering into a solid revenue stream first. 🎯

While you’re optimizing, your income stream should go at the top of your pyramid, with everything falling beneath it.

You focus on this income stream, and only this, until you generate as much revenue as you need to support yourself sustainably.

Let’s say, $100k for example.

It may take a lot of patience and persistence, but that’s the formula: Optimize, before you maximize.

Once your revenue stream is solid, you can consider maximizing.

Meaning, you can begin to turn your offering or framework into offshoots, like offering a mastermind, creating a YouTube channel, or going after that exciting creative idea that’s been living in the back of your mind.


Being overstimulated in a world of information overload can be the culprit behind the dilution of our earning power.

In addition, another major challenge I see is the presence of fears and sabotaging money beliefs in the subconscious mind.

If that subconscious part of us, on some level, doesn’t want us to fully be in our power with money, or to be 100% successful in the world — it will ensure we don't succeed.

At a subconscious level, we may believe that we're not fully worthy of wild success, or that we haven’t done what's needed to 'earn' it.

Or maybe, deep down, we believe that the success will be overwhelming and cause us more hardship than it’s worth.

Or maybe, we believe that more money means we will be ostracized, judged, or lose love and connection in some way.

Choosing to focus our efforts and entire business on optimizing that one solid stream of income often surfaces these kinds of beliefs. 🧠

And it’s a very valuable process to dig deeper and deeper into what our beliefs around success and earning really are.

I encourage you to sustain your focus, until your “bread and butter” revenue stream is solid, and you will lower your financial stress by a boatful!

As a gift, we're offering you a special hypnosis track to help keep you focused on growing something that is positive and beneficial for others, and helps you increase your prosperity in a world of possibility!

Joetta Johnson