Facing A Financial Decision? Try This 3-Step Process.

Sometimes we're faced with financial decisions that are not 100% clear right away, or are complex in nature.

These usually relate to the future, which is unknown

So how do we make a choice we feel confident about?

I was recently talking to one of my clients about what I call the 3 I's for effective financial decision-making.

We can use these 3 I's as a framework to assess important financial decisions in order to gain a sense of clarity and confidence.

For example, do we want to use our money to invest in real estate or the stock market? Would it be better to use our money to hire a new employee or buy a new car?

If you're facing a financial decision, here's the 3-fold process you can use:

1. Intention

What is your intention regarding the area that your financial decision relates to? Defining your intentions and highest priorities is a guiding light in times of indecision.

For example, if you're assessing where to invest your money, get clear on your intention.

Your intention may be to have a greater sense of security, or it may be to build a nest egg for the future. It may be to live in a home where you have more creative freedom and don't have to be moving every few years, or it may be to have the freedom to live wherever you feel Spirit is leading you.

financial coach

2. Information gathering

This is called 'due diligence' in the business world. It's the process of collecting the most important and relevant data points that help inform you about the important aspects of the option you're considering.

For example, if you decide to buy a new home or property: What are the current prices in the area? What can you afford? Have you talked to a mortgage broker? How much can you put down for a down payment?

3. Intuition

Using your intuition is ultimately the most important of the I's. Intuition is a feeling you have in your body of whether or not a potential direction is truly a YES for you.

It's that gut feeling or energized feeling — but not a feeling like a jolt of caffeine that has a rush with it. It may even come with a LOT of resistance to going in that direction, but somehow you know that would be the most POWERFUL direction to go towards.

Intuition is essential when it comes to the future, because it's the only thing that can tell the future! 

Use the 3 I's in synergy, and you'll create amazing results in your financial life!

Which of the I's speaks to you the most?

Take a moment and apply the 3 I's to an upcoming financial decision right now, and share your insights with me by replying to this email! 

Joetta Johnson