How To Tidy Up Your Finances & Maximize Your Financial Flow.

This week, we're going to talk about financial Feng Shui, or tidying up your finances.

If you love Marie Kondo's work and her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you'll love this week's topic!

Because — let's face it, tidying up feels good!

It creates more clarity, energy, and joy, and it simplifies life. When you create a system that keeps things tidy and organized, you'll find that your finances don't get out of hand.

The Priestess of Finance tidying approach is called financial Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is an ancient system of laws to govern spatial arrangement in relation to the flow of energy (qi).

Financial Feng Shui is a system of organizing your finances to maximize the flow of energy.

A component of money is energy, and this is why intentionally organizing your space can have an impact on how prosperous you feel, while strengthening your ability to increase your income.

This isn't some magical woo woo! It's actually quite simple: when your mind isn't cluttered up by your space and your finances, you have far more mental space for creating income!

We'll look at 4 financial Feng Shui categories: your home/office environment, filing, tracking, and scheduling.

Financial coaching couples


 1. Environment

The idea here is to set up your surroundings so they're aligned with the experience you want to have.

Do you want to feel clear, organized, peaceful, and spacious? If so, set up your desk or office to reflect that. Make sure your bills are neatly organized and your paperwork filed in a clear way. You can also position your desk so it's near a window or a beautiful piece of art that inspires you.

When you feel inspired and nourished, it's much easier to stay consistent with your financial practices.

Bonus tip: You can also determine where the wealth corner of your living space is. You can do this by looking up the Bagua, which is a Feng Shui map. In this corner, you can create a shrine or altar to honor what you want money to symbolize in your life. Place plants, water, and symbols of prosperity (like coins, decorated dollar bills, or photos that feel abundant).

Setting up your wealth corner will help your attention coalesce in the awareness of your financial dealings as sacred, which will participate in your financial success and satisfaction. 

 2. Filing

It’s important to move information from your desk and into an organized filing system. This will keep your desk space clear, so more inspiration and creativity can come through, as well as ensure that whatever files you need will be available and easy to find when you need them.

Clutter in your environment clutters your mind and interferes with the flow of ideas, inspiration, and intuition.

You should have the following information easy to access when needed, especially at tax time:

  • Business tax receipts

  • Bank statements

  • Credit card statements

  • Wills and trusts

  • Investment and retirement information

  • Financial agreements

  • Warranties and product information

  • Insurance documents

3. Tracking

A good tracking system is essential so you don’t have to hold your cash flow information in your head.

When you have total financial clarity, you're less likely to run stories about your finances in your mind, which again, frees up resources for creativity and income-generation, while also granting you a feeling of groundedness and financial peace.

Some of my favorite tracking tools are Pocketsmith, Quicken, and Quickbooks.

If the thought of learning these systems feels daunting, ask for help. It will feel empowering and liberating to achieve mastery in this area. 

4. Scheduling

To master financial Feng Shui, you must first understand that all resources, like time and money, are energy.

Your time is a valuable resource! When you organize your time to reflect your values and priorities, you will create a life rich in what matters most to you.

I recommend setting up a scheduling system that builds in appropriate amounts of space and cushion, so you're on time for meetings and appointments.

Remember: the more integrity you have in your agreements that involve time and money, the better you feel about yourself and your life.

This is like filling up an integrity bank account, which begins to produce positive results in your life that can help you attract people and opportunities, while also building a greater level of self-confidence.

Which area of your finances do you most want to bring clarity and harmony to?

What's one step that you can take today to start working on your financial Feng Shui so you can have better outcomes with money?

4 Ways To Become A Financial Feng-Shui Master.png

 Here is a powerful infographic to download, print out, and keep near you — whether in your office or you financial vision board, to stay inspired and on track.

May your internal and external environment support you in an endless process of discovery, creation and success.



Joetta Johnson