Increasing Wealth by Focusing on Health

Today, I want to speak with you about the Health dimension of Wealth. Health is one of the 12 Dimensions of Wealth in my Money Wisdom System.

When recently faced with a health challenge, one of my first thoughts was getting to some hot spring healing waters.

And guess what? I have a savings fund just for this. I was also in the midst of a 40-day Ganesh mantra.

Well, this seemed to help us get the absolute best hot spring tub option, right next to a cold plunge and a Ganesh statue... such magic.

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So what does it mean to consider our Health as a dimension of wealth?

When I think of this dimension of wealth, I remembered a letter I read that Steve Jobs wrote before his passing. I don't remember the exact words, but I do remember feeling very affected by them.

Here was one of the wealthiest men in the world financially, yet he was not able to overcome the dis-ease of cancer, and he acknowledged he wished he had prioritized health over money.

So all the wealth in the world sometimes can't save us from ill health, although sometimes it can help us find the support we need to improve our health.

I've been blessed with numerous health challenges. I say blessed because I believe we call in experiences that can ultimately improve our lives.

In my journey, I've had to make continuous improvements, and change the beliefs my subconscious mind holds, so maybe that is what the blessing of health challenges has given me.

I'm not necessarily jumping up and down for them, because being in my body sometimes downright sucks! But then there are days when I feel ecstasy, joy, and bliss. Cycles of life!

But if there's one thing I could go back into my past and change, it's how I treated my body when I was much, much younger — because everything we do does matter.⠀

Here is to a life of radiant health and may it, along with the other 11 dimensions of wealth, provide you with mind-blowing life experiences that cause you to feel deep gratitude for this precious life!

How wealthy do you feel in your body and with your well-being?

What in your health dimension is asking to be changed so you can experience greater wealth?

Financial Coach
Joetta Johnson